Friday, October 14, 2022

Classmates Research Excursions

     The first Research Excursion that I read was Heather's on "Muslim Women's Head Coverings." After watching her narrative slides, I learned that having head coverings did not originate in Muslim culture and was actually used some hundreds of years before in Byzantine empire as a form of status. I find that interesting especially since, at least in more modern times, head covers, to some, are a sign of oppression against women and used more for religious purposes. It seemed to have changed from something secular to something that many people these days use for religious purposes. I also found it interesting that in the Qur'an, there isn't actually a specific mention of Muslim women having to wear a hijab or any head covering really. All it says is that they should protect their modesty and beauty. Over the years it has become a much more political.

    I also watched Jalen's excursion on "Islam and The Bosnian War." While watching his presentation I learned that the Bosnian people are actually three separate groups and only outsiders/other countries are the ones that refer to these different groups as Bosnians. I also found it really interesting how the three groups were almost in agreement to break out peacefully but how all that changed when the U.S. got involved. Even when the United States got involved they withheld support and when they eventually brought it, it just seemed to amount to even more bloodshed.

    The third excursion that I watched was by Audrey  and was called "Gender Dynamic in Islam and Home Fire." I personally, have never quite put as much thought into the different gender roles in Islam, and it does make sense that the roles depend largely on who is doing the interpretation and at what time in history they made them. It was interesting to learn that some women were killed in "honor" killing as a way to put them "in line" and how some women were even killed if they were raped. Those who are raped are the victims yet in some places they are even killed for actions that were forced upon them and unwanted. 

    Overall, all the research excursions that I have watched were very informational and I was better to understand some of the culture and history behind some of the events that happened in Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie. 


  1. Hi Monique! I also watched Audrey's presentation on Gender Dynamics in Islam and I was also shocked at "honor killings." I had never really thought they existed, so hearing the fact they are killed and why was quite interesting. Her presentation really showed how much translations and communication of information can greatly impact how people interpret text and how they choose to practice religion. I haven't seen Jalen's or Heather's research excursions yet, but I did not know that the hajib did not originated in Muslim culture or what role the USA played in the Bosnian War. I think I will check out their presentations now!

  2. Hey Monique! It was cool to see you dive into your understandings of everyone's research excursions. I didn't do this blog prompt, so I enjoyed being able to learn a little bit about the research through your post. Thanks for sharing what you learned from them, and I hope you enjoyed watching mine!

  3. Hi Monique! I loved hearing your perspective on everyone's research excursions. I didn't watch any of the same ones you commented on, so hearing your insight on all of these was awesome. I didn't know that head coverings were never explicitly stated in the Qur'an or that Bosnian people are three separate groups! I will totally have to check out these projects, they seem super interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hey Monique! I liked your unique perspective on these people's research excursions. I had no idea that head coverings weren't actually introduced by the Islamic State. I'm shocked to learn that they originated from the Byzantine Empire. I was also interested to learn that there are 3 different groups that outsiders consider to be "Bosnian."

  5. Hey Monique, I liked the summary you did to explain the interesting aspects of the research excursions. I am interested in the Bosnian-Islam War that Jaylen went over. America's involvement in other countries' wars don't seem to have a good track record and this is just another example.

  6. Hey Monique! I loved hearing your insights on the different presentations! It almost feels like there are never-ending ways from which to study and understand Home Fire. I'm glad you were able to learn new things from each presentation, and I'm inspired to check out the ones you mentioned now too!

  7. Hey Monique! I enjoyed reading about the different projects you chose to view. I'm interested in your insight/summarization of Heather's presentation, especially since I didn't get to view that particular project. It looks like you got a lot out of seeing other presentations!


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