Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wk.7: Hansu and Isak

    If I am being completely honest, Hansu seems to be very manipulative from the start. When he is first introduced the first thing he thinks about when he sees Sunja is how it would feel like touching her, and then he goes on to try and form some sort of connection with her, despite Sunja obviously ignoring him. Later, we don't get to read much about what his actual intentions with Sunja are as he begins to talk to her and ask her a bunch of random and insightful questions. His behavior almost makes it seem as if his only interest is being friends with Sunja since he insists that she call him Oppa, which means brother. Even after he has sex with her for the first time he tells her that her "Oppa" is there for her. In addition, he doesn't seem to treat Sunja as an equal lover, since he is constantly calling her "girl" and talking down to her. He only used Sunja to get what he wanted, while knowing the consequences that would have for her. Hansu seems like a creepy character to me, and I wonder what his role will be in the future now that Sunja and Isak are married.

    Isak, on the other hand, is portrayed in a much more innocent and young manner in comparison to Hansu. In addition, Isak is much more religious than Hansu, since he is a protestant pastor who went to seminary school; his name even derives from christian religion. Unlike, Hansu, Isak is much more frail looking and sickly, yet he seems to have much more respect for Sunja. He asks Sunja and her mother for permission to marry Sunja in order to provide her with the best possible life for someone he doesn't really know. Unlike Hansu, Isak is giving up possible future wife prospects in order to help Sunja, while Hansu only offered her a life of a mistress. It is even mentioned that Isak treats and touches Sunja much more gently than Hansu ever did. At the moment, Isak seems like a nice character who genuinely cares for people with a good temperament. 


  1. Hey Monique! I agree - Hansu was bad from the beginning! I also think that him having her call him Oppa is strange. They have a weirdly sibling/friend relationship at the beginning, so when their relationship turned intimate it threw me off. I'm glad he's out of the narrative!

  2. Hi Monique! It's interesting to see the contrast between Hansu and Isak in terms of their treatment of Sunja. While Hansu seems to manipulate and use her for his own pleasure, Isak shows respect and care for her well-being.

  3. Hey Monique! Glad to see we share very similar thoughts on Hansu's character. I think having her call him "Oppa" was a manipulation tactic. The whole thing felt controlling to me. I do think you have a good point on how Hansu might fit into the novel later. I think he will be a present character in the latter half of the book as well, although I'm not sure what that role will be.

  4. Hey Monique, your close reading into Hansu's language towards Sunja was very interesting to read about. I overlooked the translation the first time I read the passage and did not realize how demeaning the language Hansu uses towards Sunja is. Isak does seem to have a lot more respect for Sunja. What he has less to offer in an external sense, he makes up for internally. I agree that for now Isak seems to treat Sunja well and looks like he will be a faithful husband.

  5. Hi Monique! I totally agree with you. Hansu seems as if he has mal intentions and only has himself to think about. Isak on the other hand seems much more selfless and willing to genuinely help Sunja. I hope that Hansu fades out now that Isak is Sunja's husband and that nothing bad happens regarding his character in the future.

  6. I agree with your analysis of Hansu and Isak's characters in the book. Hansu definitely comes across as manipulative and self-serving, while Isak seems kind and caring. It's interesting to see how the author has developed these two characters in such contrasting ways, and it will be intriguing to see how their roles unfold throughout the rest of the story. Sunja is definitely in a tough position, having to navigate her feelings for both men and the consequences of her actions.


Wk. 10: Pachinko Lessons

  After finishing Pachinko I think one of the main reasons that Min Jin Lee wrote this novel was both to expose people do Korean history and...