Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Barbequed Tri-Tip Steak

     I have to say that out of all meals I have eaten, the one that stands out the most is my father's Tri-tip Steak. First of all, I am a big fan of eating beef. At least, how my family cooks beef always seems to turn out with such amazing flavor. My favorite though, has to be whenever my father grills tri-tip steak. He always seems to cook it just right with plenty of juices that enhance the flavor. As a meal, I find it best to have garden salad, and either baked potatoes or pasta salad to accompany the steak. 

    My favorite part of the meal though, is usual the whole process of preparing the tri-tip. Usually, whenever my father cooks tri-tip it is signifies some sort of celebration or coming together. It could be either for a birthday party or just a family BBQ where some of my uncles, aunts, and cousins show up. I personally love my family and spending time with them. I find it relaxing to have my family come over and we all talk about whatever is happening or share our opinions on random topics we happen to find ourselves on. Recently, I have been helping my father season the meat (we tend to use the Costco Montreal seasoning with some kosher salt) and get the house ready for our inevitable guest's arrival. And while the meat is cooking outside, my uncle is talking with my father, my cousins are playing, and inside I am helping my mother make the side dishes. The whole process makes me feel at home.


  1. Hey Monique! I love how you talked about the process of cooking the meal and not just the meal itself. Cooking the food with my mom is definitely what contributes to my favorite food as well :) Might have to try the seasoning you mentioned sometime, sounds delicious!

  2. Hello Monique! It was really fun to read about the process of making the steak with your family. Meals can remind us of so many different things, and family memories are among the best of them. I also loved how you included your favorite dishes to pair the steak with - I'll have to try them sometime!

  3. Monique, I also love meals that make me feel at home. For me, that's my dad's apple pie, but a tri-tip steak sounds very delicious, too. Thank you for describing the cooking process, that made me feel like I was there with you watching your dad cook the steak :)

  4. Hi Monique, I loved reading about the significant and importance of a tri-tip steak in your household! I think food holds so many memories and is associated with so many feelings, so I loved how the tri-tip is your family's symbol of celebration. Funny enough, I think my house uses the same Costco Montreal seasoning! I wish I could try your dad's tri-tip. You described it so vividly that I'm hungry now!

  5. Hi Monique, although my family has never been much for cooking big meals or famous family recipes, we really value dinner time. Almost every night my family finds the time to sit down for dinner together. It's one of the only times of the day we are all around and we get to relate and talk about our days. Now, being in college, I can't see them for dinner. But I've found that it's still a great time to spend talking to friends and checking in on them instead.

  6. I loved this post, Monique! As someone who has family cookouts often, I can also appreciate the sense of togetherness that cooking can create. For me, the environment in which family meals are made is (almost) better than the actual food itself! My grandma is an avid cook, and a good one, so I love being with her and learning how to make food alongside her. This post reminded me of all those family meals I have shared, and how they make me feel. I can really relate!

  7. Hey Monique! I love how you specified a specific meal you really love! I too am a huge fan of steak and am really missing my family's weekly barbecues. The whole atmosphere of being outside and grilling is so fun and also smells amazing. At home, my family used to have dinner together almost every night and rehash about the stresses or excitements of our days. So, thank you for allowing me to reminisce through this post!

  8. This reminds me of my favorite meal that my mom cooks for our family: Chicken Curry and Rice. I liked how you described what would go on while the meal was prepared. Now, being away from home, it seems I also seek out those memories when thinking about more typical household events.

  9. The best meals are really with family and made by family, nothing will ever compare. I've had the same meal at home and at a restaurant before, but it never truly tasted like the same meal. I don't know what my mom puts in the food, but there has to be a special something.

  10. I'm not super well versed in different types of steak, but I've always liked Tri-tip and can definitely agree that being with family really makes the meal sometimes!

  11. I can't resist a good tri-tip either! I have to confess that my go to would be the tri-tip sandwich, but I definitely respect your choice of a steak and love the history that you have with the dish. My sides would have to be mashed potatoes with gravy and corn on the cob.


Wk. 10: Pachinko Lessons

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