Friday, November 11, 2022

Final Project Update

    So far I have at least one primary source for my final project and a few secondary sources that I plan to use. Beyond that, I have found it rather difficult to find the correct "keywords" that best encompass what I am looking for. So the research portion for me has been a little slow, but I think I am reaching a turning point as I look through different databases from the library in order to try and find anything that fits with my topic of misunderstood/controversial character. I have been trying to keep this topic pretty open in terms of what could qualify as controversial or misunderstood, partly because I am not so sure how these characters will look in different books. What really excited me about this topic was looking into characters who were a lot more human with their complexities and relatable in situations that I hope to never be in. For instance, my home text is Home Fire so I was looking for characters who are more than what they appear, such as Parvaiz. We were all told about Parvaiz in different perspectives but once we got to his perspective, like many things in life, it got a lot more complicated and controversial. If you all have any ideas or primary sources that you have read that would be great. 

    When it comes to actually putting together my project I am a little confused on how we are going to present the different sources on neatline. Are we just going to introduce our topic and place the book where it is said to take place and write about how it aligns with our topic or is there something a little more specific that we are going to do with all of our sources? Just how much is our home text supposed to influence or be apart of our final project ? Was it just a springboard to look for ideas or was we supposed to integrate it in some deeper way? These are just a few of my questions and thoughts regarding the final project.


  1. I have also struggled to find the correct combination of keywords to get texts that work for my project. Especially to find texts from a range of historical and geographical periods. It really is a lot of trial and error, good luck!

  2. Hey Monique, I completely understand and relate to your problems with your research! It's been hard for me as well to determine what keywords I should be typing in the search bar to get the texts that I want/need. I hope you find what you need:)

  3. It's good to see you have a few sources that you've found, even if the process is a little slow. I can definitely empathize with your questions about how to present the Neatline project, so I'm just going to look at previous classmates' research excursions to get a better idea of what to do (assuming they did it right too).

  4. Hey Moninque, it's great that you've got a few sources under your belt. I agree with you - finding the proper keywords is definitely a struggle sometimes. I find it is very much trial and error - sometimes I find nothing, sometimes it's very fruitful. You've got this!

  5. Hey Monique! I share a lot of your concerns. I've had a hard time finding sources that fit my topic, too. As a result, I only have a couple sources so far. It's incredibly annoying when you spend so much time analyzing a source but can't find the proper keywords! It's good to hear that you already have a few solid sources. You seem well-organized, I'm sure you'll do great!

  6. I certainly relate to the sentiment of having trouble finding so many primary sources. I think that keeping the definition on the open side for your theme in order to gain a large pool of sources is crucial. I definitely don't want to rule something out too early because it isn't perfect and later realize it could have fit nicely into my presentation.


Wk. 10: Pachinko Lessons

  After finishing Pachinko I think one of the main reasons that Min Jin Lee wrote this novel was both to expose people do Korean history and...